Testing, testing (tap, tap, tap) 1, 2, 3... is this thing working? Can you here me now? Hello, hello, are you there?
Geez, it's been a crazy busy few weeks and I've been missing from blog land. A little continuation of the Keeping it Real post from last time - My phone has been giving me grief lately. The battery will say I have 30% left and shut off, then one time it said I had 1% and kept on going. Today it went from 70% to 17 in a matter of minutes, so I think the battery indicator has a malfunction and I must charge it multiple times a day. (Edited to add - I just googled this and I'm not alone. Lots of issues with the batteries.) It did an overdue update and now my blogger app crashes every time I attempt a blog post, so I'm trying something different for this post. Many of my pictures are on my phone (or shall I say 12,000+) and I find it easiest to upload my pictures from my phone, then I can finish the blog post from my computer. Blame it on slow home wifi for not wanting to upload my pictures on my computer and shall we talk about data? Uggghhhh, why can't we all just have unlimited data? My iPad is out of data for the month and just as soon as I find some interesting and inspiring pod cast to listen to while working, my phone tells me I should slow down my usage...
But enough of that - the daffodils have been blooming and the sun has been glorious this week!
I love the 70-85° weather we have had in February! If only it would forever stay like this.
The sunshine inspires me!

I'm happy to report I got the sealer on my church boards (see last post) and I'm working on a new spring line of decor. As soon as I can squeeze in a photo shoot, there will be some new things online!

To me the golden daffodils are the flower that brings hope that spring is coming soon and better days are ahead after a gloomy and dreary winter

We are working on weddings, had a few local events, plus getting ready for the spring Backwood's Marketplace and can't wait to show you some of the stuff we have in the works. I got a new power tool and found some fresh and springy fabric this week, so stay tuned!
Save the date! April 8-9 is the Backwood's Marketplace!