The one (and only) good thing about snow is the great photo opportunity it gave me this week. I scattered some bird seed about in the fresh snow and the birds immediately flocked to the front yard with this cardinal cooperating with me capturing his picture.

I haven't been the best at keeping feed out in the front yard for the birds this winter.

My husband realized the other day that our one lonely chicken sure was eating a lot of feed and then I pointed out the large assortment of birds who congregated in the trees around the pen and subsequently descended upon the fresh scratch as soon as he left the area.

It was amazing how fast the birds flocked to the front yard when I filled up their feeder and scattered about fresh grains in the snow.

I hope you are having a wonderful week and staying warm! I know that I'm looking foward to some warmer temperatures this weekend as I've had all the cold I can stand for a while.