
Friday, February 27, 2015

The Snow Bride

Thanks for letting me rant about the snow yesterday. I'm much better today! We had a few hours of glorious sunshine, although more snow is possible later today. But that's not what this post is about! 

May I present to you the Winter Snow Bride!

winter white wedding

Its not everyday or year, that you can photograph wedding pictures in the snow, all while staying home in Texas. 

I quickly set up my dress form outside and grabbed this white and ivory burlap and lace bouquet  (from my ready to ship inventory) and snapped a few pictures.

Of course, this keepsake bouquet would be great for a wedding any time of the year. 

Hope you are all staying warm and dry. I'm off to deliver a wreath and make a trip into town, Have a great day yall! 


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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow day

This week has been cold, icy, and snowy. I try to keep things positive here on my blog, but really, I just want to shout it out for the world to hear: I HATE SNOW. There, I said it! 
Yes, it can make for some pretty pictures, but in reality, its really more of big head ache. Our flowers and trees had already started blooming and showing signs of an early spring in Texas, then we had ice on Monday, followed by snow on Wednesday. 

There's always worrying will be have power. Thankfully this time, we kept our electricity, but the generator is on stand by, with water drawn up in ever pitcher and bucket to be had. We have our own water well, so no power equals no water, plus there's the job of keeping the well from freezing up. Last year, we were out for 3 cold days, so we do have a generator and an electric heater large enough to heat a room this year. 

The farm animals always need more feed and attention during the bad weather, so there's no staying in the warm house when the weather is unpleasant and the weathermen tells everyone to stay inside. I'm tired of bulky jackets and too many layers of clothes. I've got random gloves scattered everywhere and when I have cold feet, I'm just grumpy. The toes on my right foot, seem to go nearly numb every time I get outside, even while wearing wool socks and insulated boots. I truly do not know how everyone living up north handles this weather. I want to move south now and we only got a few days of this mess. I can not even imagine negative temperatures. I got in the shower a few days ago and thought there was a hole in the tub. I didn't realize how cold my toes were (I had on 2 pair of socks + fleece lined boots) and I couldn't feel the tub, It was a rather strange feeling. 

This is the reality of snow - spinning tires in the muddy snow, while trying to feed cows, then having to be pulled back up the hill with the tractor. Fun times...Not! 

In Texas, a little bit of winter precip shuts almost everything down, I had several orders that needed to go out in the mail yesterday. Thankfully my mail lady was able to make her route. She said it was tough going at times, but she made it! 

Then there have been frozen gate locks, slick steps that needed clearing, trucks that take much longer to warm, while covered in snow, the pile of wet and muddy clothes that need washing...
I could go on, but I'll stop here. At least we get a few pretty pictures from the snow! 

Thanks for letting me rant! I promise to have a happier post next time. So do you love snow or hate it? (I promise we can still be friends if you love it!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

National FFA Week

I discovered through social media that this week is National FFA Week. My years in FFA were 4 of the best years of my life and have made a lasting impression on me. I will say that my years in both FFA and 4-H taught me more than any other class or subject in school ever could have and I'm not just talking about learning about cows, sows, and plows. It's so much more than that!

I had two of the very best at teachers in the entire state of Texas - Mrs. Witt and Mr. Thomas! 
FFA Banquet with the best two ag teachers! 

From the National FFA Website
National FFA Week is an opportunity for FFA members, alumni and sponsors to advocate for agricultural education and FFA. It's a time to share with local, state and national audiences what FFA is and the impact it has on members every day.

I was invloved in ag classes all four years of high school, became involved in showing cattle, parliamentary procedure and skills teams, horse, livestock and floraculture judging teams, was an officer for 3 years, and the list goes on. Horse judging allowed me to get a college scholarship and go on to compete in  horse judging contest in college and travel across the country. 

I traveled across the state with Mrs. Witt to state conventions, livestock shows, and competitions. She usually made me ride up front, because I was the one of the group that would never go to sleep in a vehicle, so I could help her stay awake. So many awesome memories traveling to Houston, Ft Worth, Lubbock, Amarillo, Stephenville, College Station, Nacogdoches, Commerce, Texarkana, and many places in between, as well as a trip to the National FFA Convention to receive my National FFA Degree. 
Senior year, with my heifer Rosie. I believe this was at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. 

I remember one of our first assignments in freshman ag was to introduce ourselves to a person in school authority and shake their hands. And by shake, it was a firm hand shake, even if you're a girl! I was a nervous girl shaking the assistant principals hand at lunch that day, but we were learning about public relations and business skills in that moment. 

We learned about responsibility, determination, team work, a strong work ethic, organization, public speaking, and how to conduct a meeting. We also were taught to properly fill out job applications, resumes, and job interview skills. While I've never had to fill out an application for the jobs I have worked, I did compete in the job fair my senior year in high school. I was always a tshirt and jeans kind of girl, but that day I wore my Sunday best dress and everyone was shocked, but I had been taught to dress for the interview and be professional. I'm amazed at some of the job applications I have been handed, the kids I've interview and the slouchy attire I've see as someone walks in off the street and ask for a job. I know without a doubt, they did not go through the Gilmer FFA program or they would have been way more prepared. If you really want a job, clean up, dress up, fix your hair, introduce yourself with a firm hand shake, and tell your prospective boss how you can help them. Fill out your job application and resume neatly and completely. You can also make things like "feeding cows" have a much more impressive description as you are "responsible for the nutritional well being and safety of the bovine species."
Freshman year - my first show steer (born and raised on our family ranch)

One year as I was filling out my class schedule for the next year, my counselor told me "I was too smart to be in ag," that I needed to be in an honors math class instead. That made me so mad and I had to kindly tell her that I would be staying in ag. I was showing and selling steers at the county fair through FFA, the sale money would in turn be placed in my college savings account as well as qualify me for several scholarships. That was real life math to me. I would be gaining life skills, record keeping, and community service that would make me much more prepared for after high school. She didn't really like it, but I stayed in ag! 

Mr. Thomas even give me some dating advise one time. Simply "if you wouldn't marry him, don't date him." I think that wisdom helped me end a few relationships and how wise it is. 

I also took my first floral design class in high school and went on to win the state floriculture award in the summer of 1999. I had a cast on my arm at state convention, but that's a whole other story. Looking back at some of the wreaths I made then, oh my, but that's  when I started making rope wreaths. They've come a long way! I remember the crazy mock wedding we had in class. We recycled silk flowers for the wedding and I believe I was the preacher who over saw the ceremony!

State FFA Convention, 1999, receiving State Floraculture Award

FFA will always have a special place in my heart. Truth be told, I hated school, yet I was a smart kid (I was one out of the top 10%). It was my involvement in ag and FFA that made me want to get up and go to school. That's were my friends were and two great instructors, who were and are still friends to me. At times, the school district thought about discontinuing some of the vocational courses and I personally think it would have been detrimental to so many people. I'm so thankful for the experiences I had in FFA and the wonderful people who helped make them happen. Without a doubt, Mrs. Witt and Mr. Thomas are the two teachers that influenced my life the most. 

I know I'll forever remember my years in FFA and hope that I can give back a portion of what I was given. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Dress Form and My New Model

If you follow on Instagram or Facebook, you already know that I battled a decision to buy a dress form this week. It was a classic case of Want vs. Need. 
I have wanted a dress form for a long time and they were 50% off. 
But, did I really need it? Where was I going to put it?

After posting the question on Instagram and wandering around the store, I kept thinking yes, no, yes, no. My buggy was over flowing and wouldn't hold her. I checked out and went to my truck with my other purchases, only to return right back into Hobby Lobby and went and grabbed her up! She got to ride shotgun on the way home! 

She's now found a home in Gussie the Glamper, modeling a vintage wedding dress! Last night at 9:00, I was inspired to get out in the camper and clean and dress my girl up. I hadn't worked in the camper, since was before Christmas, so it was good to get out there and do something creative.

 I decided she was needed as a model for my shop and now she's dressed in her garage sale finest vintage lace wedding dress and a strand of pearls! 
rustic burlap wedding bouquet
She started her modeling career with this  turquoise burlap and lace bridal bouquet.
burlap and lace wedding bouquet

 Next up was this white silk bouquet. Its perfect for your bridal portraits, can be carried on your wedding day, or used as a toss bouquet and is very economically priced and ready for immediate shipping.
calla, roses, and wisteria bridal bouquet
I'm glad I made the decision to buy the dress form and I'm excited about this girl helping me model bouquets! I think she needs a name though - what should her name be? 


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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Headed to Italy!

This navy burlap and lace bouquet is on its way to Rome, Italy right now! Giulia contacted me on etsy this week, asking why I didn't ship world wide. I replied, I would ship world wide and just needed to figure an accurate shipping cost for her. rustic burlap wedding
She was so excited and now her bridal bouquet is on a 5,500+ mile trip across the Atlantic! 

Of course, I'm always excited that something I made gets to go world wide and I got to make a bride happy. It was a win-win all the way around! For anyone wanting to order internationally, please contact me for a shipping quote. Prices can vary so much by country, so I feel more comfortable figuring the cost on as individual basis. 
navy burlap bride's bouquet
 The convo issues earlier in the week seem to be resolved, thank goodness! There's been lots of excited brides this week and we will have another international shipment next week.


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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Etsy messaging problems?

I been alerted to a possible problem with etsy messages not being sent and received properly. This has brought great concern to me and I am concerned about others who feel as if I am ignoring your etsy messages. Please note that I try to answer all messages through etsy within 24 hours, many times within the hour I receive the message. If you do not hear back from me, please know that I am not ignoring you, I simply didn't get the correspondence. 

If you have etsy questions or would like to place an order, you can always email me. (Email link is on the side bar or posted below.) I hope the problem is solved soon. Thank you for your patients and understanding. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sweet Dreams

So, its kinda, sorta, in a way, our first Valentine's Day this year, yet Jeff and I have been together for over 13 years. Now that's got you thinking, doesn't it? As a florist, this is the first time in 15 years that I haven't been working in a flower shop at Valentines. We would work an insane amount of hours this week and by the 14th, I would come home and crash on the couch by 7:00 pm, feeling like I had missed an entire week of my life. I'm not missing the stress of Valentine's this year and have taken some time to do a little decorating in our bedroom lately.

 Remember my $3.00 light I found at a garage sale a few weeks ago? Its a little tattered, but the "love lamp" is perfect to me! 

 My side of the bed! While I was on my French Country streak, I printed these two signs on drop cloth. I had picked up the frames at a garage sale and painted and distressed them. Printing graphics (from the Graphics Fairy) on the drop cloth was super easy. The sign with the sheep is for a fabric shop and the bottom is from a flower shop - both my loves! 
 Our room is really tiny, err cozy. As I look at these pictures, I really think my bed needs painting or that I need to build an awesome head board. I've made almost all of the decor in our bedroom, or it has been repurposed from garage sales. The lace wedding dress hanging in the corner came from the same sale that I got the lamp at. I've used it as a back drop for my burlap bouquets a few times. I really need a model to wear it for me to do a photo shoot! 

I came across Parachute Home recently and how dreamy is this bedding? I'm sure the dogs would love to snuggle down in this! We would really have a hard time getting up in the mornings. 

 The daffodils started blooming in my yard this week, so I had to bring in a bouquet of fresh flowers! I'll take a mason jar of daffodils over roses any day. 
On Jeff's side - a reminder to Always Kiss Me Goodnight! The wall pocket is available in my etsy shop. I'm storing it on my wall for now ;)
 Happy Valentine's Day and Sweet Dreams Yall!

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Made in America - Red, White, and Blue Burlap Bouquets

This week I have been working on Stephanie's Red, White, and Blue Burlap Bouquets for her upcoming Memorial Day Wedding. 
burlap and lace wedding bouquet
Someone once ask me where I purchased the roses in my arrangements and I replied that each flower is hand made by me. There are a few occasions where I purchase pre-made flowers, although the vast majority of all my bouquets are completely hand made, right here in Texas, USA. 
burlap and lace patriotic wedding bouquet
I am loving this combination of rustic red, white, and navy, along with tan burlap! Very Rustic, Americana. Makes me remember my days growing up and carrying Ol' Glory at Rodeo Grand Entries. I was always honored to be horse back, carrying the American flag while the Star Spangled banner was playing.

rustic Americana wedding bouquets
 The bridal and bridesmaid bouquets.
 Corsages for the mothers of the bride and groom.
The groom had a white rose, with red and blue accents, while the rest of the wedding party had red rose boutonnieres. 

I'm thankful for customers who support Hand Made in America products! Now, I'm off to box up everything and get Stephanie's order shipped out today. Hope everyone is having a great week!

Also, don't forget, Thursday is the last day of my 4th anniversary sale. (see previous post for more information.)


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Monday, February 2, 2015

4 Year Anniversary and Coupon Code

Wow, Y'all! It's hard to believe that it has been 4 years since I started GypsyFarmGirl. It all started with a few caps and wreaths and has turned it to more than I ever dreamed. I've lost count of all the burlap bouquets that I've created for many brides-to-be. I never would have thought this business would become my full time job either. 

To celebrate, for 4 days only, I'm offering 10% off a $40.00 or more purchase and for the first time, the sale includes custom orders! So, if you are planning a wedding and been thinking about ordering, be sure to take advantage of this sale. Please contact me today and submit a request for custom orders on my etsy page and I'll be happy to help you. 

Gypsy Farm Girl Sale Coupon Code
The sale is only good for 4 days and for custom orders to be eligible, purchases must be made by February 5, 2015. Use coupon code FABULOUS4 when checking out.
These wine bottle lamps are a new item in my shop. You can pick your wine bottle and pick your lamp shade. Very shabby chic and oh so fabulous. I've been adding several new home decor items to my shop over the last month, so its not just focused on wedding bouquets. There are several different lights, wreaths, and arrangements available.

 I was looking for pictures with 4 items in them and these were a few of the items I found. 

4 pink and white bridesmaid bouquets. 
burlap bridesmaid bouquet
4 turquoise and yellow bridesmaid bouquets.
burlap bridesmaid bouquets
 4 boutonnieres.
turquoise burlap boutonniere
 4 bridesmaids, pairs of boots and bouquets
 4 piece custom wedding order with turquoise burlap bridal bouquet, 1 bridesmaid and 2 boutonnieres.
 4 red, white, and tan burlap bouquets with feathers. 
burlap, lace, and feathers wedding bouquets
 4 Jade bouquets for the bride and 3 bridesmaids.
burlap wedding bouquets
 A wreath with 4 white sunflowers, and lots of burlap and lace. 

Thank you to everyone for supporting me with your encouraging words or sharing my work and allowing me to be a part of your special day or have a place in your home. Its been a great  4 years and I'm looking forward to many more years to come.  I will 4ever be thankful for you! 

P.S. I had a problem with some not being able to comment here. After connecting my blog to Google+, it seems as if only people with a Google+ account could comment.  I think that is now fixed and I apologize for any inconvenience. Everyone should be able to leave comments, just like before. 


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