
Saturday, December 28, 2013

DIY Boot Socks and Cuffs

Have you been seeing all the cute leg warmers, boot socks and boot cuffs this winter? After getting this tall pair of boots, (which have become my faves recently) I began seeing the peek a boot socks online. I loved the look of several, but just couldn't justify the high price that came with many I saw. After all, my first thought was "sweater arms"!

So, I made myself a pair of boot socks and boot cuffs with a sweater. I stopped by a local thrift store and low and behold, there was the perfect white sweater hanging on the sale wrack at a whopping $1.50! 

I cut the arms off the sweater and eyeballed the length I needed to have just a touch of the sweater sticking out above the top of my riding boots.

Then I cut the remainder of the arm to make the boot cuff- for days when you just want the look of warm and cozy socks, but don't need the extra warmth. 
Now, here is the important step;). Get husband to help wind the bobbin with a cordless drill! Yes, I know it's redneck! Here's the thing, my main sewing machine needs a part to wind the bobbin. My other machine, well, I'd have to move a whole lotta stuff to get to it... So he helped me out! 
I have lots of scraps of vintage lace laying around, so as I hemmed the cuffs, I added a lace edging. I used a triple zigzag stitch.

The long leg warmers have two options for wearing: with lace showing or the striped end of the sleeve. I didn't have to hem that end.
Two pair from one sweater in a short time, without much precision. 
Now, I'm not saying the handmade boots socks are not worth the price, but this was a simple diy version. This was not as labor intense as knitting the whole thing.  I saved at least $30.00 to $45.00 making my own.  It would be a great way to repurpose old or stained sweaters. I've seen several pair accented with buttons and I might just add a few to one pair.

P.S. Some of you might have noticed that my blog address is a little different. I'm having technical issues and for the time being, my blog is not redirecting to as it did before. It's still the same website/blog, only some links might not work, especially if trying to visit from Pinterest links. Thanks for hanging with me at as I try to figure out the behind the scenes website business. 

1 comment:

  1. Here you go again; amazing me with your creativity!
    How very smart you are.
    Hope you had a great Christmas, and that the New
    Year will be awesome for you both!


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